2008 IDI Annual Conference

Distribution and internet
The Impact of Internet on Agency, Distributorship and Franchising Agreements

TURIN | 6 – 7 Jun 2008

IDI held the 2008 IDI Annual Conference in Torino (Italy) on 6-7 June 2008.
You can find below the full program and the materials discussed

Sales promotion through Internet by companies with a distribution network: how to avoid conflicts with the network. Use of Internet by members of the sales network: the risks and possible remedies. Contractual strategies for keeping the action of distributors within acceptable boundaries, while respecting EU antitrust rules Internet sales by selective distributors and franchisees in the EU. Which limitations can be imposed without infringing the rules on competition? International instruments for warranting functional equivalence between electronic records and paper-based documents. Practical problems arising in Internet negotiation. The view of a company lawyer. Use of Internet for settling disputes: the on-line conciliation of the Piedmont Arbitration Chamber. The digital signature of Infocamere: a practical and effective means for business Evaluating the possible amount of indemnity for agents and distributors and means to reduce it under German law. Examples of case-law. Criteria used by Belgian Courts to calculate the indemnities for distributors under the law of 1961. French case law on the calculation of the goodwill indemnity for commercial agents and distributors. Indemnity for agents and distributors in Spain: the calculation criteria used by the courts. The calculation of the agent's indemnity in Italy after the Honyvem judgment of the Court of Justice. The choice between arbitration and the jurisdiction of ordinary courts What happens when there is no choice of forum (or arbitration) Strategy of choice of forum in the European area Ukraine and Russian Federation