Revision of EU VBER: IDI’s position on the draft

Fabio Bortolotti | EU | 2021-09-16

Fabio Bortolotti

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In July 2021, the European Commission invited interested parties to provide comments on the draft revised VBER and Vertical Guidelines by 17 September 2021.

IDI, in consultation with its members and gathering input from the business community, drafted a paper which was sent to the European Commission yesterday.

You can find attached the relevant document.




Previous news on the subject: 

Revision of EU VBER (Regulation 330/2010)

Revision of the VBER: The EU Commission published its “Staff Working Document Evaluation”

EU: IDI met with the EU Commission in view of the revision of VBER 330/2010.


Fabio Bortolotti, Chair IDI

Silvia Bortolotti, Secretary General IDI

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