
A complete list of articles and updates published on the IDI monthly newsletter can be found in this archive.
Fabio Bortolotti
EU | 3 July 2017
E-Sector Inquiry – The Commission’s Final Report....
EU | 15 March 2017
EU: New decision of the European Court of Justice on commercial agency contracts...
Carlotta Mazzetti
EU | 28 November 2016
E-Commerce Sector Inquiry: IDI observations to the preliminary report of the Eur...
Mercedes CLAVELL
EU | 13 October 2016
EU: Comments to EU Directive 2016/943 regarding Trade Secret....
Fabio Bortolotti
EU | 22 September 2016
EU: Preliminary Report on the E-commerce Sector Inquiry published on September 1...
Fabio Bortolotti
EU | 14 September 2016
EU: Termination of Oral Agreements with Resellers/Distributors....
Marco Venturello
EU | 14 September 2016
EU: Regulation (EU) 2015/2424, amending Council Regulation (EC) No 207/2009, art...
EU | 15 June 2016
EU: Judgement of the European Court of Justice, 7 April 2016 C-315/14....
Fabio Bortolotti
EU | 19 January 2016
EU: Goodwill indemnity and recovery of additional damages? The European Court of...
EU | 15 September 2015
EU: Refit evaluation European Commission of the Council Directive on the coordin...
Dorota Wiellowicz
EU | 15 December 2014
IDI Conference 2014: Workshop on the Corman Collins judgement of the EU Court of...
Marc Picat
EU | 15 December 2014
EU: Expedia judgement of the EU Court of Justice....
Fabio Bortolotti
EU | 19 May 2014
EU: When does a regular client become a distributor? The Corman Collins case of ...
Fabio Bortolotti
EU | 16 January 2014
EU: Law applicable to agency agreements – the UNAMAR v. Navigation Maritime Bu...
EU | 15 December 2011
EU: Pierre Fabre – The EU Court of Justice last judgment on Internet sales...
EU | 16 November 2010
European Court of Justice: new judgment of October 28, 2010 on the interpretatio...
Carlotta Mazzetti
EU | 17 May 2010
New Commission Regulation 330/2010 of 20 April 2010 on vertical agreements and c...
Carlotta Mazzetti
EU | 15 February 2010
UE: The 2007 revised text of the Lugano Convention has entered into force on Jan...